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MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 8 (24/2/01 10:41 am) | Del ![]() | I'm wet Marion whined and looked over in the direction of the water balloon. "Who threw that," she demanded. "I'm wet and I want to know who made me so!" |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 43 (24/2/01 12:55 pm) | Del | Lunzie watched the mayhem quietly laughing to herself. Those two are worse than I was. . .'course. . I was never out of the palace grounds either. . . Lunzie shook her head and grinned sheepishly at everyone. "Sorry. . .I've already learned not to interfere with them when they're having fun. . .They have tendencies to use spells they can't controll. . ." Jae giggled and continued braiding Auntie Jaina's hair while Tr'Lain tried to stay out of Marion's reach tossing balloons about helter skelter. Uncle Galain wanted to get clean? With an impish grin, Tr'Lain let Galain have it with a couple more balloons and let Marion have a few more too. . .if she couldn't catch him, he couldn't get in trouble right? Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 12 (25/2/01 12:24 am) | Del ![]() | Parenting 101 Chez was sure he had a brocher around here somewhere... between Richard, Runt and various other kids running around he had invested alittle time in a parenting class. Here it was, he handed the booklet to Lunzie, "Good reading, yep" It was alittle damp from the balloon barrage, but still readable. |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 9 (25/2/01 3:17 pm) | Del ![]() | *Ya asked fer it Chez* A tiny black haired head poked through the door and looked around the inn. She was wet and her face was covered in mud. The girl's eyes stopped when they landed on Marion. "That wasn't funny," the girl yelled, running through the inn. "Pushing people in mud puddles is my job, not yours!" "But you're me," Marion said, snickering at Runt's loud arrival. Then she remembered soemthing, there were other children present. ~Oh crap...~ |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 44 (25/2/01 3:24 pm) | Del | Jae and Tr'Lain stopped what they were doing and stared at Runt. They had a bad feeling about her. Lunzie stared at Runt as well and looked back at Chez. "I think you should give that to her parents, not me." She said refering to the brochure and nodding at Runt. Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 34 (26/2/01 1:59 am) | Del | Filthy as they come Galain grinned at An'Thaya. She looked thoroughly charming when drenched though he had some qualms about the ferret in the bowl of ale. As for Tr'Lain... Galain wondered how he might trap the squirt and teach him how to mop the place. Jaina's floorboards were going to warp at this rate.
Elen High Elf |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 15 (26/2/01 12:12 pm) | Del ![]() | There are holes in the floor.... And hes worried about warping? 'Thaya endured the barrage of water balloons, she had been worse things then wet before... like... uh... dead? Gangrel? Her drink had been watered down however, and that was just not satisfactory at all. Galain was starting to resemble a drowned rat, and Zara, well, Zara was just squealing. |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 93 (26/2/01 1:04 pm) | Del | Speaking of holes "Neat. The hole works as a drain. And the basement is angled to keep water in that little spring. One less thing to mop up!" Apparently satisfied, Jaina climbed atop the bar and stretched out, setting Jae lightly on the floor. "Jae darling, go run and get auntie some towels from upstairs, would you, angel? And sweetie, don't drink from the bowl with the swimming ferret in it! Do like auntie says and I'll fix some special punch for all you kiddies." Hell, the kid does NOT need alcohol! I just hope no one spikes the punch before the kids get some. Damn. How do I get myself into theses situations, anyway?! "Lulu, you need to get those anklebiters some leashes. And I think I need a talented hairdresser," Jaina grumbled, thoroughly tangling the tiny braids Jae had worked into the back of her aunt's head. |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 13 (26/2/01 6:39 pm) | Del ![]() | Oh No! Chez cringed as Runt barreled through the door, it was hard to imagine her growing up to be the woman he loved. "Alright, where are those leashes Jaina mentioned?" He looked around expectantly, "No really, I mean it, shes out of controll." He wasn't above tying the kid to the wall, he really wasn't, she bit, she kicked, she lied.... He kind of liked most of those things in the adult Marion, but not in a child. |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 10 (26/2/01 6:53 pm) | Del ![]() | Er... "Technically, I'm her parent," Marion muttered. "For those of you who don't know...this is little when I was just a ten-" She caught a harsh glare from Runt. "Ten and three quarters year old. I assure you, she's matured a little bit...I put her in obedience school." Marion beamed and looked down at Runt. "Play nicely...or I sic the whip on you." Yes, discipline came in the form of a rolled up whip in Marion's household... |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 35 (26/2/01 7:56 pm) | Del | Wow... Galain was very glad Marion wasn't his mother, although he'd endured his own moments of discipline at his father's hands. Hence his current status as wanderer. He sat down heavily in a chair and wrung out the vest he'd still been holding, then shook his head violently, spraying water everywhere. Of course the action also made him dizzy and he flew out of the chair and onto the floor where he lay for a moment. "Wow, what a rush." He picked himself up and then sat back in the chair, getting a good chuckle as Jaina tried to straighten her hair out.
Elen High Elf |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 16 (27/2/01 11:44 am) | Del ![]() | Hes throwing himself around now... An'Thaya watched in amazement as Galain took a round out of himself. "You are dangerous," she shook her head and leaned away from him with Zara. One of these days he was just going to spontaneously combust, she was sure of it. Turning to Jaina she chuckled at the mess of her hair, "Allow me?," she wove a small spell that blew through her hair like millions of tiny fingers, passing almost as soon as it had come up it left Jaina's hair untangeled and styled. "Nifty," the Amazon observed, "It worked..." |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 36 (27/2/01 12:24 pm) | Del ![]() | Self combust! Yeah! "Oh come now, I'm completely harmless. Except to myself," Galain replied. "Erm... is that a bob or a flip you've put on Jaina's hair?" Galain screwed up his eyes trying to decide. He was kidding. Really!
Elen High Elf |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 94 (27/2/01 12:56 pm) | Del ![]() | Hey, thanks "That really did the trick!" Smiling, Jaina ran her hands through her hair. "This is great! You think you could teach me how to do that? I'm not great with spells, but it looks worth a try!" |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 45 (27/2/01 4:45 pm) | Del | Lunzie snorted at Jaina's understatement about spells. . ."Sis, with your luck you'd end up bald. . .do you really want to try it?" Lunzie stiffled a giggle at Jaina's glare but continued to grin. Tr'Lain was hiding from Marion, he didn't want to meet the end of that whip. . .and Runt just scared him. . .she was older and bigger than he was. . .Jae was hiding in the stairwell. . .she wasn't going to mess with anyone down there as long as Runt was there. . . Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 14 (27/2/01 7:53 pm) | Del ![]() | You pushed her in a mud puddle? Chez's mind had just latched onto that fact, and he stared at Marion. "Isn't that classified as self abuse?" He looked at the pamphlet Lunzie had shoved back at him and shook his head, "They are alittle difficult to find," he commented, "And I'm not going to argue with Marion nope, she mentioned a whip." |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 95 (28/2/01 11:35 am) | Del ![]() | Shrugging off the chaos Jaina finished glaring at Lunzie for that crack about going bald (not bloody likely, given Jaina's mane) and smiled for An'Thaya. "I have a theory about spellcasting ability, actually. From what I know of magic, mages and such have innate magical ability, or are able to tap into the powers of a mystic object. Once those powers are drained, they've nothing left but their own life force. I could be wrong. "I figure I have no inner magical talent, or else just very little. No trinkets for me to use, so that leaves life force. Means major spells would be out of my reach, should I seek to try 'em, and the smaller ones still get fouled often. Maybe life force being raw power, rather than refined wizardry, has something to do with that. Hence my sucky spellcasting!" she concluded with a giggle. "So what thinks the warrior mage of this theory?" |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 16 (28/2/01 1:53 pm) | Del ![]() | You hit the nail on the head... "Thats exactly how my magic works," An'Thaya grinned, "I tap into the natural life energies that are all around us, but only alittle at a time. I can do some spells that are whoppers, but whatever I take is replenished by my own life source. So I have to be carefull." She set Zara on Galian's lap and touched Jaina's hand, "Close your eyes for a moment, I'll show you what I mean." |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 78 (1/3/01 4:02 am) | Del ![]() | The Force! The Force! Dammit get me off Galain! Zara was screaming and yelling something about magic being a hole load of bantha poodoo and that the Force was the only thing that existed and that energy all around that they were using was actually the Force you idiots now start using it for evil before you turn into a Jedi twit! Then she realised no one was listening. So she grabbed the nearest thing she could find and yanked it. And Galain screamed. With a Very. High. Voice. |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 37 (2/3/01 12:01 pm) | Del ![]() | Aaaiiieeeee!!! Galain's eyes shot wide open as Zara grabbed a part of his anatomy that was very near and dear to him. "I hear you! I hear you! I hear you!" He babbled wildly, his voice several octaves higher than normal. "Magic is poodoo! Evil is good!" He then slumped into the chair and decided that he had just been rather effectively neutered.
Elen High Elf |
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