MoonBurnt > Sign of the Silver Dagger > Introduction to The Dagger | ![]() |
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Chezlar Traveller Posts: 8 (18/2/01 9:25 am) | Del ![]() | Howling Sith! And considering that Zara was part vornskr, she reeeaaally howled. The Changeling slapped his hands over his ears, and considered the wisdom of ever haveing children. "Somebody get the Bantha milk!" |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 40 (18/2/01 10:01 am) | Del | OooF! Well, that's not quite what Lunzie said, but we won't translate it, when the portal opened and the twins and Zara flew through to land on her. Wincing as Zara hit the higher decibles, Lunzie tried to get rid of at least one of the kids behind the bar. . ."Er. . .'Thaya? You want your daughter back?" Lunzie pulled Zara off her head before she fell and handed her back to the Amazon to calm down. Then, setting Jae and Tr'Lain on the other side of the bar to play in a corner by themselves, Lunzie turned on Chez and Galain with a very angry expression. "Don't you EVER trow kids back here again! There's a hole in the floor they could have fallen through and enough glass to shred them!" Lunzie hissed at the boys before trying to organize the bar and figure out what was in some of the bottles. . .muttering in her native language the whole time. Jae and Tr'Lain on the other hand, had rather enjoyed the rid through the portal and now that they were on their own in a corner. . .were looking for some trouble to get into. . ."'Lain, you think that spell with the balloons would still work or would we have to do it the hard way?" Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 12 (18/2/01 9:20 pm) | Del ![]() | Thanks! The Amazon took Zara from Lunzie and settled her on her lap. Somewhere in there a glass of Bantha milk had finally turned up, and An'Thaya handed it to Zara. "There now, here is your drink, you can play with the golden eyed bean pole later." |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 4 (18/2/01 9:50 pm) | Del ![]() | Which one? Marion blinked. Golden eyed beanpole? The thief looked around the room and counted the number of people she could see that had yellowishy eyes. One and a half... "Terribly sorry about that, Chez," Marion said, chuckling. "But you know, I just can't have toddlers stealing my changeling, now can I?" |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 9 (19/2/01 6:44 pm) | Del ![]() | Still lying on the floor Chez grinned up at Marion, "Thats ok, I kind of liked it... I think." A muffled complaint told him he was still lying on Galain, "Whoops, sorry," he scrambled to his feet and lent a hand to Marion. He gave Lunzie a wary look, but braved it anyway, "Can I have something else to drink, preferrably without sugar? And something for the lady as well, without the raspberry." |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 76 (19/2/01 8:45 pm) | Del ![]() | Ooo beanpole... Zara drank her bantha milk happily. When a toddler has it's milk, all is right with the world. Has anyone seen the vornskrs? No? Well that's because they're pups again, just like Zara. And they're all snuggled up under one of the tables. |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 5 (20/2/01 4:13 pm) | Del ![]() | Yes, sans raspberry is a good thing. Marion chuckled and looked down at the elf pancake. "Sorry Galain...I'm sure he really didn't mean to do that." |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 41 (20/2/01 8:09 pm) | Del | Shaking her head Lunzie produced the requested drinks, and turned to keep an eye on the twins. .those two were up to something. . . The giggling continued as Jae and Tr'Lain produced items from their pockets. Said items began to enlargen as they were filled with water and grape juice. . . They had kept a few of the balloons when they had joined up with Velkyn at the Hall of Imladris, and decided it was the time to use them. . .Taking aim, Jae threw a grape juice filled purple balloon at Jaina while Tr'Lain dropped his testing the spell they had set up previously. . .it worked. The dropped balloon hit Galain. The children erupted with laughter while Lunzie just shook her head and grinned. Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 13 (21/2/01 8:57 am) | Del ![]() | Oohhh... bad twins (how often have I heard that? *snickers) An'Thaya giggled as a balloon sailed through the air and targeted Galain. Why the elf looked positively purple, be it with rage or grape juice was up to ones perspective I guess. Zara was still happily guzzleing Bantha milk, which was fine with the Amazon, quiet toddler, good toddler. |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 91 (21/2/01 12:13 pm) | Del ![]() | Purple-faced Jae thought her aunt look very funny indeed with juice dripping from her face and hair. Jaina found it slightly less amusing. Still, Jae was a little cherub, and Jaina could never be angry with her namesake niece for long. Grabbing the kiddo, Jaina put the munchkin on her shoulders and went back downstairs. "If you weren't such an angel..." Jaina murmured, smiling. "I'd have to get you back for this." So saying, the splattered woman dunked her head into the spring in the basement corner. The icy cold spring. "YOW!" She whipped her head back up, most of the juice gone, with the most surprised look on her face. Jae burst into giggles again. "Funny girl," said her aunt lovingly. "We really need to get you kids some toys in here, maybe set up a playroom upstairs... something. Hm." Both girls pondered that as they went upstairs, with the midget riding piggyback and cheerfully tugging Jaina's curls. |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 31 (21/2/01 8:47 pm) | Del | I'm purple... Galain licked his lips. He was grape purple... Well neato. It beat being pancaked by Marion and Chezlar he figured and he pulled his vest off to wring it out. "Erm... is there a laundromat anywhere near here?" He asked no one in particular.
Elen High Elf |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 10 (22/2/01 11:48 pm) | Del ![]() | Purple People eater! We won't go into the truth of that statement concerning the elf, nope. Chez watched with amusement, at least his clothing wouldn't stain if he was dive bombed, it was kind of stain proof as it was part of him. "Try the Amazon spell weaver over there," Chez pointed, "Amazon, Mage, Laundrymat." He recieved a emerald green glare, but ignored it, there was still to much sugar in his system to care. |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 6 (23/2/01 12:03 pm) | Del ![]() | Purple? Marion retched. She hated the color purple. Couldn't stand it. "Er, Chez...No, honey," She gestured to the nearest person with drinks and snagged one. The thief threw it back and drank it in one gulp. "Wanna dance, big guy?" |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 32 (23/2/01 2:38 pm) | Del | Amazon Laundromat! "Oh feanilde... I need your cleaning services please..." Galain sauntered over to An'Thaya, holding out his vest. "I seem to have become a tad purple somehow. Please help." He gave her his most winsome smile, then batted his eyelashes for extra good measure.
Elen High Elf |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 77 (23/2/01 8:08 pm) | Del ![]() | Help? heheheheheee.... Zara thought it was incredibly amusing that her Papa Galain was purple. Being a good step-daughter, she was 'helpful' and tried to clean him off. With her bantha milk. |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 11 (23/2/01 8:34 pm) | Del ![]() | Sure! If there was one thing Chez could do it was dance (no comments from the peanut gallery *glares*), slipping his arm around Marion's waist he spun her into the middle of the floor, gracefully avoiding the hole gaping in the middle of it. He pulled her close and wiggled his eyebrows, then paused, "Have you seen Richard anywhere?" The ferret was always on their heels... |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 7 (23/2/01 11:04 pm) | Del ![]() | Richard the lionhearted ferret? Marion chuckled and gestured towards the bar. "He's the brown furry one getting drunk and singing uproarously." And if you listened very carefully, you heard very bad ferret singing. It was an old, ancient really, ferret drinking song called "Three Cheers to the Barley Mow". Quite a funny round... "Our baby's getting sloshed," Marion said, grinning. "Shall we join him?" |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 42 (23/2/01 11:51 pm) | Del | Giggling, Jae played with Jaina's hair. It was red. .and curly. . .and fun to braid. . .into lots of little tiny braids. . . Tr'Lain, however had other ideas. . .grabbing some regular water balloons, he tried to help. . .hitting everyone in sight. . .Galain, 'Thaya, Chez, Marion. . . .oh yeah. . . .Zara tooo. . . Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 33 (24/2/01 12:57 am) | Del | Oh this is fun Galain was now purple, covered in Bantha milk and hey! thoroughly drenched in water. "Throw some more! I might get cleaned off this way!" He exclaimed.
Elen High Elf |
AnThaya ![]() Amazon Queen Posts: 14 (24/2/01 9:46 am) | Del ![]() | You can never truly be clean Sy'quai An'Thaya chuckled, then blinked as a water balloon broke over her head. "Perhaps the laundry service should wait until Lunzie had the little ones under control?," she grinned. An odd chittering sound behind her made her turn, to find Richard floating on his back in a bowl of ale. "That ferret has a drinking problem," she observed, "They should really send him to an AA meeting." |
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