MoonBurnt > Sign of the Silver Dagger > Introduction to The Dagger | ![]() |
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JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 88 (15/2/01 1:15 pm) | Del ![]() | So much for the spinster aunt routine The twins's arrival shocked the hell out of their aunt Jaina, who blushed a vivid crimson. Light emanated from her face, arms and neckline, as usual when something caught her off guard. Little Jae giggled and tried to catch the flickering hues in her hands. Meanwhile, Auntie's mind churned. "Um, ale, right? Somewhere down here..." She fumbled a crate as she stood, narrowly missing Tri'Lain, but the child only joined his sister's laughter. "Point one: locate ale. Two: serve ale at ground floor. Three..." Catching Galain's eye, she blushed more brightly than before. "I'll think of something for a three. I'm organized, I swear to Bast I really am. Setbint!" She yelled a choice Egyptian oath as she nearly stumbled over the twins. "Lunzie, come get your little rugrats!" Another glance at Galain, with subsequent blush. "Dammit," she muttered to no one in particular. "Up you go, twinsies." The kids gleefully complied, and Jaina made her way up the cellar steps to the main floor. |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 28 (15/2/01 2:43 pm) | Del | But you make such a nice... aunt. Galain just stood quietly, a half-grin on his face as he watched Jaina. “I would really love to know what three is. Feel free to tell me anytime.” His grin grew as the twins ran back up the stairs, Jaina blushed again and he watched her ascend the stairs. She turned back once and he waggled his eyebrows, his grin growing positively wicked before he followed her.
Elen High Elf |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 38 (15/2/01 4:59 pm) | Del | What? Lunzie smilled innocently at Jaina and Galain as they returned from the cellar. "Jaine. .uh. .Jae, Tr'Lain, why don't you two go play with Zara? I'm sure 'Thaya would like a break?" Lunzie glanced towards 'Thaya and Zara as Zara paled as the twins headed their way. "Okay. . .soo. . .a drink for the changeling. .anyone else want something while I'm back here?" Lunzie handed Chez a glass of something, what was in the many bottles behind the bar was anyone's guess. Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 2 (17/2/01 10:13 pm) | Del ![]() | What is in a glass? Never drink anything without reading the label, it should be an unwritten law. As it was Chez didn't bother, after all, alcohol had no effect on him anway. Unfortunately it wasn't alcohol he got, it was soda pop. Chezlars eyes lit up immeadiately when he took a drink and realized what it was. "Sugar!!!" An eight foot Changeling on a sugar buzz is not good, believe me, and hey, if you don't, ask Marion. Turning around he came face to face with the Elen elf, "Sugar!," he said again as he grabbed the elf in a bear hug, "Wan sum?" |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 1 (17/2/01 10:25 pm) | Del ![]() | Ask me what? *this time it's Chez's fault, I swear* "Who gave him sugar," a voice from near the entrance demanded. Marion rolled her eyes and walked towards the changeling, not able to get rid of the grin that sprang to her face as she remembered the last time she'd had a sugar buzzed changeling on her hands. "Hey hon." |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 3 (17/2/01 10:31 pm) | Del ![]() | Marion! Chezlar swung around, smecking Galain's head off the bar in the process. "Namor!," he dropped Galain on the floor and grabbed Marion instead. "Sody pop?," he asked innocently, holding up his glass, he aimed a kiss for her nose and got her eye instead. "I looove you." |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 2 (17/2/01 11:20 pm) | Del ![]() | Ow... Marion winced when Chezlar knocked Galain's head off the bar and yelped when he proceeded to kiss her eye out. "Careful with the human, luv," she said, sliding out of the Changeling's embrace. "She's fragile." After considering the offered drink momentarily, she accepted and began chugging the beverage without reading the lable. Neither of the two lovers were terribly intelligent. What did she have, do you ask? Raspberry ginger ale. *here the narrator beings cackling wickedly and maliciously* |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 4 (17/2/01 11:25 pm) | Del ![]() | Where'd she go? Oh! There she was. Chez squinted at the drink as Marion chugged it down. There was something about the scent of it... something niggled at the back of his brain. Uhoh... Ah well, the sugar had him in overdrive at this point, might as well roll with it. Funny how they both had these odd food allergies... |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 73 (17/2/01 11:46 pm) | Del ![]() | Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Zara didn't want to play with the twins. No, Zara was too good for that. Zara wanted to climb her perch. So she bounced off Thaya's lap, toddled over towards the Changeling-on-a-sugar-high and started crawling up his leg. |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 5 (17/2/01 11:53 pm) | Del ![]() | There is a Sith on my leg... Chez blinked down at the four year old Zara, "You shrunk," he observed wisely as she scaled up him, "You should see a doctor about that." She was lighter this way anyway, and didn't pull nearly as much hair on his head. The fact that he was hyper and swaying dangerously didn't bode well for either of them though. |
LadyCeria Resident Posts: 39 (18/2/01 12:05 am) | Del | Pounce the Amazon or Climb the Mountain. . . Jae and Tr'Lain looked from one to the other and followed Zara. . .they wanted to see what was up there tooo. "Cousin Zara!! Wait for us!!" They cried as they began to climb the swaying Changeling. . . Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 6 (18/2/01 12:10 am) | Del ![]() | I'm a Changeling Carnival act.... Chez blinked and looked down at all the little mongrels climbing him, he had no experience with children, and he was kind of spun out at the moment. "Help!," he squeaked at Marion. Somehow he managed to step on Galain who had never regained his feet, somewhere in his foggy thoughts he hoped he hadn't concussed the fellow. |
MarionS ![]() Traveller Posts: 3 (18/2/01 12:40 am) | Del ![]() | Mine! Marion stepped forward threateningly. "He's mine," she hissed. And the thief joined the pile on Chez club.
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 7 (18/2/01 12:53 am) | Del ![]() | Yipe! Chez went down in a pile of arms and legs, Galain made a soft landing pad, but it was still rather uncomfortable. He had never seen Marion's possessive side before, and he didn't know wether to be flattered or frightened. "No hurting small children!," he yelped, good gawds! Galain mumbled something beneath him, but he couldn't quite tell what it was. |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 74 (18/2/01 1:01 am) | Del ![]() | What do you mean, YOURS? Zara glared at the others. "DAMMIT HE'S MINE!!!! HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN! MY SITH PERCH!!!!! I ALWAYS SIT ON HIM! NOW GEDDOFF! HE'S MINE!" |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 7 (18/2/01 1:05 am) | Del ![]() | Oh gawds! Where had that hole in the floor gone? It would be a nifty thing to dissappear down right at this moment. "Galain!," he whispered, "Suggestions? Please?" The Elf always had a way out of a predicament, and at this moment it would benifit him as well, seeing as he was pinned beneath the Changeling, three toddlers and an angry theif. |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 29 (18/2/01 1:19 am) | Del | Duh... Galain was smushed. He was at the bottom of a pile of kids, a thief and a very tall changeling and well... he had a splitting headache as well. "Mmmpphhfff," he said. "What?" Chez asked. "Mmmpphhfff," Galain repeated. Chez sighed and then grunted as the sithling got hold of his hair and yanked. Deciding words were out of the question, Galain flung one arm out and made a toddler-sized portal. The little rugrats would find themselves on Lunzie's head instead as soon as... "Toss 'em in! Now!" Galain urged Chez and Marion.
Elen High Elf |
Chezlar Traveller Posts: 8 (18/2/01 1:28 am) | Del ![]() | Hurray! Galain, the helping hand, who new! He was almost positive that Marion was haveing a Morgan episode as she grabbed hold of one of the twins and heaved... egad. Lunzie made an odd noise as the portal opened above her head, good thing Chez's sugar rush was still holding up, Zara was a handfull even as a toddler, and she did NOT want to go through that portal. When he had her disentangled from his hair he gently tossed her in, "Good luck!," he waved, "Did I mention I was sorry for bumping your head?," he asked Galain. |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 75 (18/2/01 1:42 am) | Del ![]() | Aaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! *THUMP* went Zara on Lunzie's head. We all know what four year olds do when they fall down. They cry. And cry. And bawl. And cry. |
GalainElf ![]() Elen High Elf Posts: 30 (18/2/01 8:44 am) | Del | Um no... "Np, you didn't, but thanks," Galain replied as everyone got disentangled. Then Zara started howling and Galain realized he had a splitting headache. "Oh gods," the elf groaned.
Elen High Elf |
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