MoonBurnt > Sign of the Silver Dagger > Introduction to The Dagger | ![]() |
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SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 3 (30/12/00 4:42 am) | Del | This is not a humanoid... SehmetRiiahn leaned closer to the other being, who was seeming to be a semi-liquid creature. She had not seen one that moved on it's own across the floor like this before. "Hello, my name is SehmetRiiahn," she said, smiling broadly at the creature, showing her sharp teeth, though she was not sure it could see her, for it had no eyes. "But you may call me Sam." She reached out and gently ran a finger along the puddle curiously. |
LadyCeria ![]() Traveller Posts: 8 (30/12/00 4:50 am) | Del | Ohh. .. Sass stared up at the furred one with sharp teeth. I hope it doesn't want to eat me. . . She thought to herself as she giggled. "That tickles!" *Ooozes over Sam's finger and up her arm* "Hi Sam, I'm Sass." |
SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 4 (30/12/00 4:55 am) | Del | A new knowing... Sam was thinking, it is indeed friendly, and smiled again. It felt unusual to have the puddle crawling up her arm, and she felt her spine-fur stand on end involuntarily. She laughed. "Where is it that you come from?" the Seiilan asked the puddle. |
LadyCeria ![]() Traveller Posts: 9 (30/12/00 4:59 am) | Del | uh oh. . . Sass felt the change in the fur. .it kinda rippled. . ."Oh. .you don't like me on you. . .I'm sorry. . ." Ooozes back to bar. "I came from outside. . .but that's about all I know. . .You're soft, fur is warm yes?. . .Where are you from?" |
SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 5 (30/12/00 5:04 am) | Del | Curious "You do not know your origin?" asked Sam. "I am from a planet called Seiil. It is not very different from here, although there is only us, no others. No puddles," she laughed. "But I do not mind the touching. I never mind the touching. It is very different." |
LadyCeria ![]() Traveller Posts: 10 (30/12/00 5:10 am) | Del | odd. .. "You are very different from the other walkers I have met. . .you are not scared of me? You do not want to hurt me? You are different. ..I like you. You are nice." Sass splashed and ooozed flips for emphasis. "How come no puddles? Puddles are fun... well, I am. .. most others I have met are grumpy and won't talk. . ." |
SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 6 (30/12/00 5:41 am) | Del | Puddles "Why should I be scared? You did not bite me," Sam saying. She smiled and petted the puddle. "The puddles where I am from do not have minds. They are only water. Though sometimes it is fun to splash in them." Sam turned to behind the bar. "May I have a juice please?" she asked. She looked at the puddle. "Do you drink things?" |
LadyCeria ![]() Traveller Posts: 12 (30/12/00 5:47 am) | Del | drink? "I can.. .although I would not drink much. .it tends to thin me out. . .then I can't stay together well. .. " Sass giggles as Sam pets her. .it tickles slightly. "Splash in puddles? That is not good. . .splashing hurts puddles. . ." Sass seems to shrink a little and her voice get's smaller, as if she were scared. |
SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 7 (30/12/00 5:50 am) | Del | Not wishing to hurt. Sam looked thoughtful. She continued to pet the puddle as she looked at the other people in the Silver Dagger. "I am not sure that it hurts the water. Like if I am take my juice and pour it on the floor, it makes a puddle... I do not think I can hurt the juice. But I do not wish to hurt you or those you know." |
LadyCeria ![]() Traveller Posts: 13 (30/12/00 5:57 am) | Del | Oh. . . "Those puddles. . .no, they are not live. .they are dead. . .I do not know anyother live puddles. . .I seem to be the only one." Sass focused inward so all she knew was the feeling of Sam petting her and what Sam would say next. |
SehmetRiiahn Traveller Posts: 8 (31/12/00 6:01 am) | Del | the origin of the puddle "Ah, these puddles are the grumpy ones which will not speak, yes?" Sam said, as she nodded and continued to pet Sass. "Perhaps you are a magic puddle. Or you are like me an alien. But you have lost your memory." |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 63 (31/12/00 11:43 pm) | Del ![]() | Returning with food An "eep!" and a thump signaled Jaina's re-arrival at the head of the basement stairs. Luckily, the large jar of milk survived the tumble. "I think this was for you?" she asked Erin wearily. Hefting a paper-wrapped bundle, she continued. "And Ferus, some meat for you to choose from." At this point, Jaina caught sight of Sassinak and SehmetRiiahn. A humanoid she-cat and a squishy blue thing, conversing. Well, why not? "Uh, miss?" she asked Sam. "You're welcome to choose something to eat. Perhaps some meat, like Ferus wanted? You strike me as a carnivore, though of course I'm apt to be wrong." To the puddle, Jaina only managed, "Umm... hello... there." She couldn't think of anything else to say. What do living jellies eat -- or absorb? -- anyway? |
Ferus Robur ![]() Traveller Posts: 5 (1/1/01 5:52 am) | Del ![]() | Meat! Ferus tore into the meat gratefully, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh. She lowered herself to the ground, squatting in something akin to a begging pose as she relaxed to enjoy her meal. She paused to look up at the redhead, "Thank you." ~^~ Wild Strength ~^~ |
Blureopix Traveller Posts: 6 (1/1/01 9:10 pm) | Del ![]() | Hungry and confused. Still a little weary, Blureopix re-entered the main floor and glanced over to the bar on which a Dragon had fallen asleep and someone she didn't recognise, from her initial (and brief) trip to this floor, was talking to a....puddle???? This made her mind question whether the food, water and whatever else it was they served here, was safe, but her stomach said otherwise and she walked over to the bar only to find that the puddle was replying. 'Perhaps I should have rested a little while longer' she thought to herself. "Would it be possible for me to have something to eat....I don't have any money but I could perhaps repay you some other way" she asked hopefully, but being quiet and softly spoken she wondered whether she would even be heard. |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 66 (2/1/01 9:40 am) | Del ![]() | Attending to customers "You're welcome," Jaina replied to Ferus happily. "And Blureopix, sure, you can work off whatever you eat here. You know, washing dishes, bartending, taking inventory in the cellar, whatever." She still eyed that blue goop strangely. Werepeople she was familiar with and could handle, even more so for vampires. Elves, faeries, and other magical types made an odd sense to her. But talking blue goop? What's up with that? *blink blink* |
Mhelarn Traveller Posts: 6 (2/1/01 1:10 pm) | Del | Mhelarn's temporary obsession with the grill was forgotten, as he started mentally inventorying all the odd phenotypes and genotypes attracted to this wooden watering hole. No one seeemed to mind, or even notice, his direct and curious gaze. He'd have expected different from the wolf-type. But she seemed preoccupied, and he could well understand the preoccupation. Food is often important. She was not his kind, but he contemplated wandering over, maybe starting a conversation after she'd eaten. Mhelarn had been a long time among the shiftfolk. It got lonely, talking to people who thought of nothing but work and drink. He yawned, showing teeth that were sharper than they needed to be. Business first, then socializing. It was sometimes better to mix the two... and sometimes not. The small man with the particoloured mane rubbed his eyes, and contemplated exactly how much sleep he hadn't got in the last few days. He got up slowly, as much for a concern for the stool as for his own stiff muscles, and made his way over to an unoccupied (and hopefully, sturdy) table. He undid the lacings of his pack, and pulled out a pack of cards, some lengths of metal, and a largish piece of pasteboard. The lengths of metal were fitted together, the pasteboard slid inside them, and the cards were spread out on the table. The pasteboard and metal made a nice looking sign. It proclaimed, in bold and hopeful letters,"Tarot card spreads. $2.00. Palm readings. $1.50. Seances. $10.00. Blackjack and Poker, $5.00 min. Other card games negotiable." The cards were tarot, gilt edged and elegant. Strange sigils dueled across their backs. The two cards that had flipped over were only barely recognizable as the Emperor and the Moon. But they were recognizable. The artist had painted the Moon as an almost complete solar eclipse. At the fore was a half-covered canvas of the Moon at night. The artist stood behind it, poised to pull the cover down. The Emperor was weeping, held by thin chains to his throne. The crown on his head looked as sharp as it did regal. Mhelarn picked up the deck, shuffled, then started playing solitaire. |
LadyCeria ![]() Resident Posts: 16 (2/1/01 2:59 pm) | Del | Sass looked at all the people around her. Some of them, like the red headed one behind the bar were giving her strange looks. "No, I don't think I'm an alien, but then I don't really know. . .I just wander around and try to make friends." Feeling like she was starting to congeal from sitting still so long, Sass started to oooze over and through herself in small loop-like flips, occasionally making imprints of those near her. The Bar-Lady was fun, the expressions she made while watching Sass and helping the others there were fun to mimic. Ceria sipped her ale slowly, wouldn't do to drink it too fast. She didn't have any money to buy another and didn't really want to work, but would do dishes if she had to. . . Lunzie floated behind the bar in a lotus position. She was enjoying watching Jaina run around helping customers. As long as she didn't have to do too much to help she would just sit(float) here and study the small puddle of blue goop. . . Who is truly blind, she who cannot see, or she who will not? |
moonchildphoenix Traveller Posts: 4 (4/1/01 10:06 am) | Del | i thnk i'm in the right place Hey one of my friends said i should stop by and have a drink so here I am. i don't really know what to talk about except that it is a bit nippy outside and I need a drink to warm me up. Can any of you fine people help me out. I prefer Blood but Wyne will work to. ~MCP Edited by: moonchildphoenix at: 1/4/01 2:15:58 pm |
Ariana Foxx Traveller Posts: 11 (5/1/01 3:10 am) | Del ![]() | Hmmm. I had watched everything from my rather slouched position in my *booth* in the happy place that a quarter bottle of tequila will take you to. And slowly I'd let sobriety take over the lead and that it where I was now the place pleasently dim a soft roaring inthe back of my head reminding me of a calm ocean and the bustle pleasent. . The place smelt like wood .. a cottagey smell I quite liked it. I straightened (sightly) and looked about tryig to decide on a course of action before I finished the bottle and spotting the newly placed sign decided to follow. . I slipped over that way eyeing the moving blue goop for a second, then smiling, Puddles were good. Then I squintied at the sign till the fuzziness mergd to words and placng some bills upon the table looked at the gentleman who looked right back "Tarot" I smiled and sat regaining my slouch almost as though I'd never left it. ___________________________ Birthday Gummi Bears are best. |
moonchildphoenix Traveller Posts: 10 (6/1/01 11:45 am) | Del ![]() | Job Nice place you have here Jaina. I casually walk up to the bar to see if I could get a drink. May I please have some wyne. ~MCP |
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