MoonBurnt > Sign of the Silver Dagger > Introduction to The Dagger | ![]() |
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velvetdragon ![]() Wise One Posts: 8 (3/12/00 5:42 pm) | Del ![]() | Re: Introduction to The Dagger this is a test, this is only a *silly* test. Tserisa A. C. Supalla - ~*~ ~*~ +-+-+-+-+-+ Click For Charity +-+-+-+-+-+ |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 15 (3/12/00 9:54 pm) | Del | Lunzie looked around and shakes her head. Looking up, Lunzie sees Tser coming in. "Hey Tser. How ya doing? Want anything to drink?" Lunzie figured she might as well take over bartending while Jaina was in the basement stewing. While Lunzie was waiting for Tser's reply she tried to figure out just what had happened that Jaina was in the basement and she, Lunzie, was upstairs. . . |
Blureopix Traveller Posts: 2 (4/12/00 9:24 am) | Del | Exhausted Blureopix wandered on, no longer able to see properly through her eyes, she relied totally on her acute senses to guide her. Coldness was drawing over her, she needed to rest... and soon. A strong smell of meat came upon her and the constant chatter stirred the air, she felt it more than hear it. Padding slowly, but still as fast as she could manage, Blureopix enetered the doorway of The Dagger. "I..." But she was cut short as her body took over, and she collapsed. |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 35 (4/12/00 6:35 pm) | Del ![]() | What was that sound? Upon hearing Tser's name, Jaina jerked upright and scrambled over to the stairs. Something hit the floor loudly as she climbed to the main floor. "Looks like a lot happened while I was down there," Jaina commented softly. A newcomer she didn't recognize was out cold just inside the doorway. "Lunzie, help me get her upstairs to a bed. Good to see you, Tser. Help yourself to a drink. It's on the house." Together the sisters carried Blureopix upstairs to the nearest bed. Jaina covered her with a warm, thick blanket. "I'll stay with her. That way she won't wake up alone, wondering where she might be. Say hi to the others for me, would you, please?" |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 17 (4/12/00 7:55 pm) | Del | Lunzie helped Jaina get the newcomer upstairs. "Sure thing J." was all she said as she headed back down to see if anyone needed anything. . .or was putting holes where they didn't belong. . . |
AnThaya ![]() Traveller Posts: 2 (5/12/00 8:19 pm) | Del ![]() | Thank ye... Procuring an ale 'Thaya winked at the befuzzled looking Zara. Her aim was getting better, she wasn't landing on people anymore... quite so much. The woman with the unevenly cut hair seemed familiar... she was sure she had met her somewhere before.... Settling into her stool she sighed in contentment, the Amazon was at home in chaos. AMAZON QUEEN |
velvetdragon ![]() Wise One Posts: 8 (6/12/00 3:10 am) | Del ![]() | a drink on the house? "It's good to see you Lunzie," Tser said when Lu addressed her and offered to bartend, and she smiled slightly. She began to reach into her pocket to see how much money she had and if maybe she could afford food as well when Jaina emerged looking only slightly worse for wear, and told her to have a drink on the house. Tser wondered how Jaina procurred her food and if she could afford to be giving away free drinks, but she was grateful. She set herself down on a stool, her feet aching and her body weary as the others went to tend the fallen customer, and others glanced her way or discoursed amongst themselves. She poured herself a glass of water, not wanting to take advantage of Jaina. She usually only drank water anyway, aside from the times she could procure bloodberry tea. Forgetting herself she laid her head down on the counter and let herself drift. It'd been longer than they could imagine since she had seen them, and so much had happened -- most of which Tser couldn't remember. But it had been a long time. What magic had brought her back to people she'd met before? Tserisa A. C. Supalla - ~*~ ~*~ +-+-+-+-+-+ Click For Charity +-+-+-+-+-+ |
Mhelarn Traveller Posts: 2 (6/12/00 1:07 pm) | Del | Shelter? The door creaked loudly when it swung open, complaining about admitting the xth person more than its warranty intended. One of the hinges tore loose, leaving it tilted at a rather rakish 65 % angle. The small figure stood near the doorway, visibly hesitating. "Did you care about the door much?", it asked. The voice was a pleasantly even baritone-tenor. When it walked forward, the light(what there was of it)revealed someone who looked to be about in his mid-twenties. Tan skin stretched tightly over prominent cheekbones, and the eyes were deepset and yellow. His chin was blunt and his face had thought about being triangular, though it was slightly closer to square. His nose looked like it had been broken on at least three consecutive occasions. Long particoloured hair fell past his shoulders, each strand tipped with black and ringed with a dozen shades of autumn. (If you've seen the mexican subspecies of the grey wolf..) He trod carefully on the fragile boards, making his way to the grill and the person behind it. Edited by: JainaJade ![]() |
Blureopix Traveller Posts: 3 (6/12/00 6:24 pm) | Del | Awake Blureopix opened her weary eyes and looked around, her sight returned, she noticed the red haired woman in the room with her. Resting her head on her paws she sighed and thought to herself, "So, I survived, this must be the place I found last night... if it was last night". The smells were all the same, it must have been she reassured herself. She turned her head towards Jaina "excuse me, but where am I and just how long have I been here?" she said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 37 (7/12/00 5:28 am) | Del ![]() | All teens hate their parents. Zara stalked over to 'Thaya and glared. And glared. And glared. And glared. get the idea. And then she had an idea. She did this to Elyen once. Well okay it wasn't actually her, it had been Zaara, her clone, but it was basically her, right? Anyway. She sidled up to 'Thaya and gave her a BIG hug. "Mother, I love you." She said, batting her eyelids. If this didn't scare the amazon, nothing would. |
AnThaya ![]() Traveller Posts: 6 (7/12/00 9:06 am) | Del ![]() | *BLINK* There were arms around her... okay, it was Zara, she didn't need permission. 'Thaya's eyebrow climbed steadily upwards as the Sith proclaimed her daughterly love, she was obviously up to something. A grin quirked at the edge of the Amazon's lip, she didn't scare that easily, I mean, she WAS bonded to Elyen, what could be scarier than that? Still, having an adoring Sith wrapped around you was alittle unsettleing... espeacially when your bar stool was giving out... CRASH! AMAZON QUEEN |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 39 (7/12/00 7:07 pm) | Del ![]() | Muuahahahahaa! Zara yelped as the stool gave way and the Sith and Amazon crashed into a tangle of arms and legs. The vornskrs looked at each other then started rolling around wuffling loudly. (Wuffling is like laughing, only it's what vornskrs do ya know.) Zara shot them a dirty look before latching onto AnThaya. "I LOVE YOU MUMMY!!!!!!!!!" She squealed loudly. |
velvetdragon ![]() Wise One Posts: 9 (7/12/00 8:34 pm) | Del ![]() | *crash* Huh, whu? Tser woke up with a jerk and blearily looked over at An'Thaya and Zara, sprawled on the floor. "Awwww... isn't that cute," she said. Then started whining, and wiggling and muttering, "I wanna baby! I don't care if I'm just being broody! Waaah!" Tserisa A. C. Supalla - ~*~ ~*~ +-+-+-+-+-+ Click For Charity +-+-+-+-+-+ |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 47 (7/12/00 11:19 pm) | Del ![]() | Look who's awake! Jaina got up when she heard the stranger stir. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty. You've been out most of the evening and night. It's early morning now. "You're in the Sign of the Silver Dagger, a bar, restaurant, hotel, and a few other things I might not have thought of yet. I run this place. Name's Jaina, by the way. "Gack, I think I heard another crash downstairs. Great, just bloody perfect. Uhm, can I get you something to drink?" Judging the newcomer's condition, Jaina added, "Water, perhaps, or some food? You're welcome to whatever I have here, now and while you stay at the Dagger." |
Mhelarn Traveller Posts: 3 (8/12/00 12:36 am) | Del | Very rare. The traveller carefully avoided the Amazon-Sith sprawl.. even to the point of detouring the floorboards that ran beneath. He had no desire to fall through. There were things that liked the moonless dark. He eventually reached the vampiress tending grill. "Hello," he said, smiling a half smile. "Could I have one of those on the rare side, just barely kissed by the flame? My name's Mhelarn and my credit's good." |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 19 (8/12/00 12:55 am) | Del | Lunzie avoided looking at Thaya and Zara and focused on what she was doing. Namely, trying not to turn herself into the main course. Lunzie hated cooking, why was she cooking anyway? That was Jaina's job, wasn't it? Lunzie looked over her shoulder at the person who had spoken. . ."Um. .sure, if I can manage not to do any permanent damage to myself or any of the remaining furniture." Lunzie tried, and miraculously managed to get a burger cooked right. .she hoped. . . Slap it on the grill, count to ten, flip (trying not to let it hit the ground), count to ten, serve. . . "Rare enough for ya?" |
Blureopix Traveller Posts: 4 (8/12/00 8:05 am) | Del | I'm fine thanks... "You don't need to worry about me, I'll be ok without food or drink for a while. You should get back downstairs, see what's going on. If I need anything I'll come down, I just need to be alone with my thoughts for a while if that's ok?" |
Mhelarn Traveller Posts: 5 (9/12/00 7:56 pm) | Del | I like fire Mhelarn nodded. "My thanks," he said, sounding very sincere. He took his burger and sat down carefully on a stool nearby. It disappeared in three neat bites. He settled down with his elbows on the table, watching the glow from the coals. A few minutes later, he turned to the vampiress. "I'm still hungry, but I wouldn't want to trouble you. I can cook one for myself." His golden eyes gleamed in the ambient light, reflecting his hunger. "In fact, I could tend grill." Edited by: Lunzie Istari at: 12/10/00 1:22:49 am |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 22 (10/12/00 1:21 am) | Del | Lunzie looked skeptical. Shaking her head,Lunzie had to decline the invitation. "Sorry, but I don't run the joint, you'd have to ask my sister Jaina. I think she's upstairs right now." |
velvetdragon ![]() Wise One Posts: 10 (10/12/00 9:10 pm) | Del ![]() | draw of flames... The rare-steak eater wasn't the only one gazing at the coals... so was the firebug, Tser. She wasn't doing too bad though, so the old barn stood a good chance of... well, staying standing. For now. Tser finished off her water and dozed on the counter again. She examined a newer scar across the back of her left hand. What a rugged reminder of her stupidity. Tserisa A. C. Supalla - ~*~ ~*~ +-+-+-+-+-+ Click For Charity +-+-+-+-+-+ |
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