MoonBurnt > Sign of the Silver Dagger > Introduction to The Dagger | ![]() |
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ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 19 (23/11/00 5:03 am) | Del ![]() | Easy, "Well first I put it in my mouth, then I take a bite, then I chew and swallow," Zara grinned taking another bite. "Seriously? I quite like charcoaled burger." |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 26 (24/11/00 10:23 am) | Del ![]() | Yum, black fire by-product. Staring wide-eyed at the burnt burgers, Jaina decided to forgo mentioning exactly what they resembled. "Sandwiches? Well, there's a lot of stuff in the basement, down there." As she tapped her bootheel on the floor to signifiy "below," the rotten boards gave way. Both the hole and Jaina gaped widely. "Um, Sahana? If you go to look for food, you might want to try the stairs instead of any... other entrances." Jaina pulled her foot out of the floor and met Lunzie's eyes. "You know, I might just take you up on that offer. Then again, I wouldn't wish this junkheap on my worst enemy!" |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 6 (24/11/00 3:08 pm) | Del | Help. . . "Um, where do I start and am I getting free food outta this?" "Um. . .The floor -- it's got a biiiiig hole in it right now." Jaina pointed towards the hole she had just created. Rolling her eyes, Lunzie dissapeared from sight only to reapear wearing a jumpsuit with a toolbelt strapped around her waist and vairous other tools hanging from and out of a myriad of pockets and loops. "Well, just don't walk too heavy, or stomp on the floor and I'll see what I can do to fix it. . .before we lose a patron through that gaping maw." Before Jaina could reply Lunzie dissapeared again and soon the sounds of sneezing and alien curses could be heared through the floor as Lunzie worked. |
Ariana Foxx Wanderer Posts: 6 (24/11/00 11:52 pm) | Del ![]() | I gave up . . On toppings and just put the bun on . . Eyeing it skeptically I tok a bite . . Better crunchy than raw . . . ________________ Life is what you do when you can't sleep |
SahanaElf Wanderer Posts: 5 (25/11/00 8:39 pm) | Del | Um. Sahana stared at the hole in the floor, then shook her head and hunted down the stairs. Once downstairs, she pulled the cord to snap the light on... and the cord broke. "Oh lovely," Sahana muttered, then a quick charm produced a strange silver glow surrounding a pebble in her hand. Using the silver glow she found stuff for a sandwich and took it back upstairs. "You know Jaina, you really should think of hiring a renovator," she said with a wry grin. |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 22 (25/11/00 11:21 pm) | Del ![]() | Heh. Zara gave Sahana an evil grin, then thrust the burnt burger in her face. "Wanna bite?" |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 11 (26/11/00 8:00 am) | Del | Renovator? Lunzie poked her head through the hole in the floor and glared at Sahana. "Renovator? What's she need one of those for? I can fix this place up for a lot less than hiring someone." Lunzie glanced up at Jaina and grined. "Hey boss, think I could get a drink down here?" |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 28 (26/11/00 5:04 pm) | Del ![]() | Boss? Why, of all the names I've been called...! Somehow the "boss" couldn't resist plunking a bottle lightly on Lunzie. "What was that for?!" the head in the floor demanded. "Your thirst, I assumed! Actually, I'm not quite sure what's in there. It was here when I, uh, `acquired' the place. I figure you can handle whatever it is. "Hey, toss me some sandwich stuff, Sahana?" Leave it to Zara to hear that remark and act on it. *Splut!* Jaina glared at her Sithly niece as she cleaned the mayo on her face and vest. "Thanks so much," she commented wryly. |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 23 (26/11/00 5:20 pm) | Del ![]() | Yer quite welcome. Zara grinned. "Well you DID say to TOSS it to you!" She said defensively. |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 12 (26/11/00 6:35 pm) | Del | OOF! Lunzie rubbed the sore spot on her head where the bottle had hit her. Opening the bottle, she took a causious sniff. It didn't smell toxic. Heck, it didn't smell at all. Glancing up at Jaina, Lunzie shrugged and took a drink. Lunzie looked at the bottle closely. It wasn't labled, but it reminded Lunzie of a drink she tried once a long time ago. . . Lunzie snickered as Jaina got pelted by sandwich fixings. "You did ask for it Boss." Edited by: Lunzie Istari at: 11/26/00 6:48:22 pm |
SahanaElf Wanderer Posts: 6 (28/11/00 5:24 am) | Del | Flying food?? Don't you know that when food starts flying around Sahana strange things happen? Sahana grinned evilly and pelted a roll at Jaina, followed closely by a hunk of cheese aimed at Lunzie. "Food fight?" she asked. |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 13 (28/11/00 9:32 am) | Del | ACK! Lunzie ducked the flying cheese. The cheese continued flying, stinking as it went, until it hit the wall, or was that the floor? "Um, thanks Sahana, I think. . ." Lunzie ducked back under the floor and began nailing boards into place to keep the food where it belonged, upstairs. Sorry, Tser. I just couldn't help using that line of yours. . .*snicker* |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 29 (28/11/00 12:13 pm) | Del ![]() | Being buffeted by a buffet The cheese flew by stinking (how long had that been growing fur, anyway?!) and splatted cheerfully into a wall, knocking the entire ensemble to the floor. "Great! Just freakin' great." Jaina wiped squashed tomato from her face and groaned. "Just bloody gorgeous. "Keep this up and I'll go retrieve my lightsabre!" Of course, she didn't mean that. Then again, a glance at the fallen wall made her wonder. Perhaps she had meant her little threat after all. |
AnThaya ![]() Traveller Posts: 1 (29/11/00 2:24 pm) | Del ![]() | Thwump! Durn portals... An'thaya narrowly missed landing on Zara as she fell ungracefully from her portal. The smell of burned meat permeated her nostrils, and reminded her once again why she herself never cooked anything. Dusting herself off she clambered up onto a stool and grinned at Jaina, "Thought I'd pop in for a drink." AMAZON QUEEN |
ZaraJade ![]() Little Vornskr Posts: 26 (29/11/00 5:12 pm) | Del ![]() | Amazon Klutz is more like it... Zara sqeaked and leapt back as 'Thaya landed right next to her. (Well it could have been worse, she could have landed ON her!) The vornskrs padded over and licked 'Thaya's face. Zara glared. "Okay now the only things that's missing is someone turning me into a frog." She grumbled. (That's your cue, Sahana *grin*) |
Lunzie Istari Vampiress of Niagara Posts: 14 (29/11/00 7:53 pm) | Del | I really hope. .. I really hope I don't have to fix that wall myself. Thought Lunzie as she repaired to floor. I think after the floor is fixed, I can sweep it and then start work on the rest of it. |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 30 (30/11/00 7:59 pm) | Del ![]() | Hiya Thaya! Jaina grinned at the Amazon. "Whatever you want, it's yours if we have it. Not that I know what all's in that shoddy basement, but still. And peanut!" she called out to Zara, "I think you liked bantha milk? I have a little to soothe your nerves." Grinning, she placed a glass on the countertop. "Hey Lulu!" Lunzie winced from the basement. She hated that name! Jaina continued despite the cringing. "Can ya prop up that wall after you fix the floor? Thanks, you're great help!" |
JainaJade ![]() JadeSlayer Posts: 31 (30/11/00 11:57 pm) | Del ![]() | Make me! Abruptly Lunzie materialized at the bar. "I don't mind fixing stuff for you every now and then, but could I at least get some help? I can't do everything myself!" "Huh?" ![]() "I am! But I'm not your own personal fix-it vampiress. I'll try to prop the wall back up, but you can certainly take care of the hole you made all by yourself." Quietly, Lunzie added, "Why can't you control yourself for a change?" " I am controlling myself!" Jaina yelled, more or less convincing her audience otherwise. Seeing no one yield, she snorted and stormed down the stairs. "Fine! I'll spackle the damn floor or something. That'll show you. Saying I can't control myself," she huffed angrily. She refused to consider the truth: that Lunzie was right and Jaina was wrong. Setting the spat aside, she stared at the hole from underneath. Only then did it occur to her that she had no idea how to redo the floor. None at all. Oh boy... This lunacy courtesy Lunzie Istari and JainaJade . . .don't blame us, we were born this way. . .honest. . . . |
Ariana Foxx Traveller Posts: 7 (3/12/00 4:29 am) | Del ![]() | I decided . . Tha the most advisable course of action having waved at AnThaya would be to turn around and eat my burger . . I abruptly stifled the comment about it makign a lovely window . . Bite . . Chew . . Bite . . Chew . . ________________ Life is what you do when you can't sleep |
velvetdragon ![]() Wise One Posts: 7 (3/12/00 4:43 pm) | Del | Just a bit dehydrated Tser poked her head around the corner of the door. Her knife-cut hair seemed particularly short (as if she had been a little angry when she sawed it off) and patchy; a scar across her forehead revealed itself from behind the mistreated locks. The place looked a bit run-down, but she'd been in worse. Much worse. And she had a few coins (she wasn't sure they were the right currency for this place... or this reality for that matter... but they were silver, that counted for something right?). She gingerly stepped inside, bare feet padding softly. She didn't want to draw undue attention to herself and her rather ragged form. Wayyyydaminit... she knew these people. Small multiverse! Too bad she missed the cheese... or maybe that was for the better. |
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